Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daily Update

Mutiny by Bangladesh paramilitary boarder guards for higher wages leaves 50 dead; mutineers accepted government amnesty and laid down their arms

Pakistani opposition leader Nawaz Sharif is ousted from office, threatening to plunge nation into chaos again just as the government tries to muster a response to Islamic Extremism

Iran's nuclear program "gains speed" as Russo-Iranian collaboration on the Bushehr light water reactor intensifies - by itself, the reactor doesn't pose a significant nuclear proliferation risk, but it could be targeted by Israeli air strikes against Iran's nuclear infrastructure as a whole

According to South Korean intelligence, North Korea has relocated preparations for the launch of its Taepodong-2 intercontinental ballistic missile to an underground refueling station, making it more difficult for the U.S. and its allies to determine when the launch will occur

India files murder charges against one of the Mumbai gunmen, death sentence expected

U.S. Attorney General commends Guantanamo's facilities, "professionalism," and care for inmates, but maintains that the prison's days are numbered

Afghanistan is so far removed from global financial and trading markets that it's weathering the current financial crisis with little difficulty - the U.S.'s backing of the Afghan Central Bank to keep its currency stable helps, too

U.S. State Dept. criticizes China, Russia, North Korea, and others on 2008 human rights record; China deems accusations "groundless"

Japan's recession is predicted to deepen as exports fall by more than 45%

Investigation of deadly Turkish Airlines crash in Amsterdam begins

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